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Boot & Dart Nurseries combines the best of Holland's oldest nurseries, Boot & Co. and Darthuizer. They have been trading for 70 years and 95 years, respectively.
We specialize in the supply and production of all types of plants for landscape projects, including specimens to semi-mature, standard trees and shrubs, as well as perennials, shrubs and roses.The R&D division at B&D breeds new varieties and shrubs of landscape roses, perennials and shrubs to provide low maintenance and long-lasting colour. This is a great way for wildlife to benefit.
Our Zundert tree fields cover approximately 100 ha and are home to heavy standard trees, specimens, and hedging. This soil type promotes strong root development and reestablishment. Boskoop has approximately 10 ha of prime peaty soil. This soil is ideal for growing ground cover shrubs, conifers and ornamental shrubs as well as certain specimens. Zundert is used to grow container shrubs. The entire production chain is compliant with the requirements of Planet Proof’ and Groenkeur’.
B&D has made huge investments in logistics to enable efficient assembly orders from both our production and those of our many suppliers.
We are a trusted supplier partner because we promote many important values. Quality, advice, solutions and sustainability are key criteria. We also believe in transparency, clarity, quality and fulfillment as a "one-stop shop".