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Cabletec is a specialist in high performance metal braided product, custom cables and bespoke assemblies. We serve Aerospace, Defence, Industrial and Industrial markets.

Cabletec is the UK’s largest manufacturer of earth bonding and earth leads, EMI screening braids, earth leads, earth leads, earth braids, earth leads, earth leads, earth leads, earth leads, flexible busbars, and power shunts.

Cabletec can also braid cables from a custom-designed multicore core. They also stock a large range of high-performance wires and harness components.

Our goal is to provide a complete solution for your high performance electrical components needs.

Alan Malone - Sales Director
+44 (0)1934 424 900
Cabletec, Sunnyside Road, Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset, BS23 3PZ, UK
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