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02/06/2025 - 05/06/2025
The theme for the 2025 conference is What’s on the horizon? Future proofing our digital landscape
Adoption of new technologies, laws, working practises and attitudes is required to address our rapidly changing digital landscape. The rise of Artificial Intelligence, increasing security requirements, environmental and geopolitical change, bring with them a requirement for development, standardization and flexibility. As society’s dependency on the Internet continues to grow, the pressure to provide reliable, sustainable and high-capacity subsea networks means today, more than ever, we must evolve and protect our critical infrastructure.
Birmingham, UK
23/02/2025 - 25/02/2025
Miami, Florida, USA
07/04/2025 - 10/04/2025
Dubai World Trade Centre
27/05/2025 - 29/05/2025
Dubai, UAE
27/05/2025 - 29/05/2025
Miami, Florida, USA
03/06/2025 - 04/06/2025
London, UK.
07/09/2025 - 09/09/2025
London, UK
13/09/2025 - 21/09/2025
Port Hercule, Monaco
24/09/2025 - 27/09/2025
Cologne, Germany
26/10/2025 - 29/10/2025
Amsterdam, Netherlands
18/11/2025 - 20/11/2025
Nelson's Dockyard, English Harbour, Antigua & Barbuda, West Indies
04/12/2025 - 09/12/2025
Cologne, Germany
20/01/2026 - 23/01/2026